The ENU Method
We’ve developed a five part method to navigate a noisy world full of distractions, competing priorities and endless to-do lists. Here’s a quick overview of our process.
The ENU Method is made up of five parts: Reframe, Reset, Reconnect, Rewire, and Recharge. This process is a pathway that helps us navigate a noisy world full of distractions, competing priorities, and endless to-do lists. Here’s a quick overview of the ENU Method, which will guide us in our work and journey toward wellness in the digital age.
First things first—we need to explore and examine the challenges of living in the digital age. Why do we have such a hard time putting down our phones? Where has all our free time gone? How are we using technology and digital media in our day-to-day lives? And, where is it benefiting us and where is it getting in the way? Finding balance and wellness today requires us to understand what the digital age is and how the attention economy (the immense pull of social media and tech in our lives) works. There’s a lot happening behind the scenes that keeps us glued to our devices. Part I helps us understand the challenges of living in the digital age (the problem we’re addressing), which is foundational to reframing how we approach and manage our relationship with technology.
While it’s important to understand the problem we’re facing, our work is really about stepping into the solutions. We like to think of pushing a big red reset button here. This is all about becoming more intentional with our tech and bringing more nature into our lives. We’ll introduce our “Four Steps to Reset” process, which helps redefine our relationship with tech and nature. By using boundaries to minimize our daily digital distractions, we open up space in our day to include more time in nature unplugged. Nature is one of the greatest antidotes to technology overuse. In a high-tech world, we need higher doses of nature time to restore the balance. The goal of Part II is to emerge from our media haze and focus on what’s important.
This part of the journey addresses two of the biggest challenges of tech overuse: an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and isolation. Modern technology offers comfort, convenience, and the ability to be connected 24/7. Yet as a society we’re sitting more, moving less, and we are more isolated and alone than at any other time in our history. As a result, we’re suffering physically and mentally. To address this, we focus on the importance of movement and how to bring more community and connection into our lives. Here we work on reconnecting to our bodies and each other.
It may be helpful to think of the earlier parts as the tangible fixes that set us on the right path and get us out of our own way. We call them technical solutions. If “Reset” and “Reconnect” are the tip of the iceberg, then “Rewire” is about diving beneath the surface and doing the deeper and more adaptive work. This part is all about building and strengthening your inner force field against the attention economy. Doing this inner work opens us up to new possibilities and will help ensure that we don’t get pulled back into old patterns. In this part we rewire how we think, approach challenges, deal with disappointment, celebrate successes, and cultivate curiosity.
This method is not just about getting to a baseline; it’s about getting in touch with what we want and stepping into our potential—ready to explore, adventure, try new things, and engage with life and the world around us in a completely new way. Here we spend time recharging our batteries through the power of play and by bringing more creativity into our lives. By the end of this part we will have decluttered our digital lives, reconnected with ourselves, each other, and the world around us. We’ll have moved from surviving to thriving.