Safer Than Ever

Whether it's at the front of your mind, intentionally informing your decisions -or- lurking in your subconscious, sneaking into your behaviors and actions, it's there.

Worry. Concern. Fear. The world isn't as safe as it used to be.

But is it true? It certainly rings true to most of us. So it might surprise, or even shock you, to learn that while our fears have grown, it's safer out there than it has been in a long time!

But don't take my word for it...

Crime Is Lower Today Than When You Grew Up
Props to for Compiling these Stats!

From Fear to Freedom! Living with Acceptable Risk

Of course there are still real dangers in the world that we all need to be mindful of and only you can determine what risks you find acceptable. The point here is to understand how inflated the danger (and risk) can feel due to the heightened visibility of violence and crime in today's digital age. Knowing the real risk lifts the weight of fear and concern a bit and allows you to enjoy each day more.

Weekly Challenge!

Expand Your Comfort Zone: Some of us justify having our phones with us at all times as a safety precaution (if there's an emergency, I need my phone to call for help!). That makes sense in some scenarios, but may be overkill for running to the grocery store that's just a few miles away.

Examine some of your daily routines/tasks and see where you may be able to push your comfort zone and loosen your safety net a bit. Baby steps are steps, and fine by us ;)


The Power of Breath


Technical Problems vs. Adaptive Challenges